Greece is located in southeastern Europe, a strategic geographical position that links Europe with Asia and Africa. An EU member since 1981, Greece joined the Eurozone in 2001, NATO since 1952 and a founding member of the United Nations (1945). Classified in developed countries with high per capita income and the 22nd best country in terms of quality of life in world.

Most tax effective company type : N.E.P.A (Limited Liability Company for Yachting Activities)

Your new Greek company N.E.P.A. has the most favorable tax system in the world for shipping activities, with an effective corporate tax rate of  zero percent 0%.Possibly the only country in the world with zero tax in the yachting business.


Get Informed. Start your yachting business in the mediterranean blue today!

Through Greece you Choose a Strategic Location Between East and West

The Greek economy is based on two pillars; Tourism and shipping are the two most important industries in the country contributing significantly to the GDP, as well as being a great source of exchange. The last 5 years has seen significant growth to the Greek economy from the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) , Logistics industries as well as IT data centers with major investors Microsoft & Amazon.

Quick Facts

The general corporate tax rate is 22% with a projected reduction to 20% by 2022. Divident tax rate to foreign individuals or entities outside E.U is 5%. Also a new regime of 7% tax to retired migrands is in effect since 2019.


Find bellow all the information regarding the different types of Greek companies.

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