Form a company and move your operations in Malta. CALLAMUS through its local partners provides its clients with all legal and accounting support to move or expand their activities in Malta.
The Malta Limited Liability Company
The Maltese Limited Libility Company has one of the most favorable tax systems in the European Union (EU) with an effective corporation tax rate at the end of 5% and no withholding taxes on dividends.
The incorporation process can be done 100% online.You don’t need to visit Malta.
The incorporation process can be done 100% online.You don’t need to visit Malta.
Get Informed. Start today.
Choose Malta - Choose a Country with Quality Financial Services
Establishing a company in Malta is recommended for the entrepreneur who is going to be active internationally. Malta is recommended to companies active in the provision of services, supplies, shipping, commerce as well as in the field of Cryptocurrency and FINTEC. It is a Member State of the European Union and the currency is Euro.
Ultra Low Taxes
Corporate Tax
5 %
Dividend Tax